
A Curvy Colorful Life is a blog written for entertainment and enjoyment purposes. By reading, you agree you are at your own free will. The information in this blog is not to be substituted by advice given by a professional.

All information provided is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on personal knowledge and experience. A Curvy Colorful Life reserves the rights to change content and management of this site as seen fit at any time. Opinions on this blog are that of the author and are not opinions reflected by any affiliated organizations. Any collaborations or relationships with brands will be disclosed before any links.

A Curvy Colorful Life is a participant of Reward Style and Momma’s Got Swag. A Curvy Colorful Life may receive a share of any sale made through the provided links at no extra cost to the reader. For any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at amieshahanstyle@gmail.com.