Shahan Land

Since the day Randall and I got married we’ve dreamed of owning our own slice of country perfection. We dreamed of acreage that he could hunt, views for days, gardening plots, a perfect sized pond, hearing nothing but frogs and crickets at dusk and a view of the stars like no other. In July of 2020 our dream came true!! Being from a rural area, land just doesn’t come on the market. We had literally been looking for years. You either have to know a guy who knows a guy, inherit it, orrrrr be so lucky to spot it right when it comes up for sale. While driving home from our annual Memorial Day camping trip we were talking and dreaming as we usually do on long drives. We were in the midst of remodeling the apartment side of our building and joked “What if we sold our house, lived in the apartment and finally built our dream home”…..laughing and thinking oh ya, we are crazy. It’s just the pandemic crazy finally setting in LOL. That would just be NUTS! So naturally, I got onto realty websites just to seeeee if there happened to be any land for sale. What do you know, a perfect piece of acreage had just been re-listed in our school district AND in the perfect location. It just so happened to be right off the highway on our way home so we went to check it out. Of course after seeing it, we called our realtor and were able to actually tour it the next day! We purchased it in July and in August decided to list our house while the market was on fire. By October 1st we were settling in to our quaint little apartment. Whew! Talk about the craziest, most exciting and intense two months of my life!

We had originally planned to break ground in November of 20. After juggling the land purchase, apartment remodel, house updates for market, and moving we decided to just wait until spring. There was no need to rush, we felt like taking a little break would give us time to get rested and enjoy our family. This also gave us lots of time to explore the new land and make memories on it! Randall and Ryggs got to hunt OUR land for the very first time and loved every minute of it. There were sledding days, weenie roasts, trail riding and fort making. I’m thankful for my husband who is so intentional about making memories with the kids that they will remember for a life time. True confession, I can get too caught up in my timelines and take for granted the time I have in front of me. I am certain God knew I’d need someone like him. So thankful for my boo!

I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying “we make plans and God laughs” oh my, am I hear to tell you this is so true! In Amie’s perfect little timeline we would be getting close to painting by now LOL. Boy, did we not see the huge price increases, stock shortages, and immense amounts of rain in our plans. I am being taught to go with the flow and things will happen exactly as they are supposed to. I need to just get out of the way. By stressing and trying to control every aspect of this house build, it was taking all joy out of it. That is something I will not let the devil have. So here’s to my type A personality taking a chill pill and enjoying the ride!


The Man Who Built His House on the Rock
